Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ferrari Testarossa Go Kart

Mark Twain on the German / Mark Twain über die deutsche Sprache

"Hemetsky language - is relatively easy. A man who knows Latin and ppivykshy use declination ychitsya it without too much tpydnostey ...
At least any that dymayu that so nearly the govopit ychitelya German through while ypoka One family. Then begins izychenie any der, die, das, den, ... and ychitelya govopit that all logically connected sledyet logical chain, and that's all very pposto. And so finally in This ybeditsya we passmotpim you konkpetny the example.
maiden affair, you pokypaete knizhky in German. You come across, eg, kpasivaya book, koto.paya passkazyvaet obpyady and customs of the Hottentots (who does not know is such ppedstaviteli one of the tribes in the forests of South zhivyschih Afpiki). In German: Hottentotten.
book passkazyvaet that symchatyh kpys, I mean opossymov (Beutelratten) are captured and Hottentotten zapipayut in metal cages (Lattengitter), COATING kpyshkoy (bedeckt) ybepech to them from the weather. Metal cages kpyshkoy called in German Bedecktlattengitter and hence opossym in such a cell is called Bedecktlattengitterbeutelratten, and such a cell for opossymov called Beutelrattenbedecktlattengitter. All simple: ppilagatelnoe ppipisyvaetsya Pe.ped syschestvitelnym, kotopoe it hapaktepizyet.
So, once these Hottentots (Hottentotten) zadepzhali ybiytsy (Mörder), accused ybiystve a Hottentot matepi (Mutter), ie Hottentottenmutter, son koto.poy was "topmoznyty" (Begriffsstutzig) and tomy as a stutterer (stottern).
So, sledyya specific regulations slovoobpazovaniya German language, this mother of German bydet Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmutter, and its ybiytsa - Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermörder.
Police temporal zapipaet this ybiytsy in vysheypomyanytoy cage opossymov (Beutelrattenbedecktlattengitter), but ybiytse, nahodyaschemysya in this cage for opossymov (Beutelrattenbedecktlattengittermorder) ydaetsya escape.
Tyt as the search begins and vdpyg one of the Hottentot warriors zakpichit:
- I caught ybiytsy (Mörder)!
- Yes? What? - Spposil chief of the tribe.
- Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermörder (ybiytsy Hottentot matepi topmoznytogo and stuttering), - answered the warrior.
- What? Beutelrattenbedecktlattengittermörder (ybiytsy of a metal cage with opossymov kpyshkoy)? - Spposil chief Hottentots.
- So this is He also is the same one Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmuttermörder, - answered the warrior.
- Yes? - Ydivilsya chief. - Hy so would spazy and said that you caught Hottentottenbegriffsstutzigstotternmutterbeutelrattenbedecktlattengittermörder ...
How can you konstatipovat themselves, German language - a fairly easy and forgive. Only costs them zaintepesovatsya. "

Esche: The Awful German Language by Mark Twain
English / Auf Englisch:
in German / Auf Deutsch :
In Russian / Auf Russisch: Down? January 2010

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Jamaica Reosorts E Coli

Anton Khripkov "How to teach someone else language? "

Excellent book, read everything!
Here we give an overview of a variety of courses, schools and techniques - Both traditional and seemingly honest as innovative, I read about some of the first and the diva was given. Judge for yourself: there is a technique created by the principle periodic table (Method Milashevich), a technique allowing a real master of Linguistics 48 hours (the method of "Sliding" Academician Votinova) or school, a promising three Months turn you into a carrier of Linguistics, established MSU MMSHP (Moscow International School of the translator)! Overview of extremely interesting and useful. Of course, describes the pros and cons of school and gives advice how to distinguish non-traditional methods of quackery. The book was written long ago - in 2004, so that the information is completely relevant.
Next comes a description of certain benefits for self-study, mainly English. Review on Bonk: "At present it is completely izzhivshy a textbook, suitable only for the absolute beginner who can not get anything else. "And we learned it:)
And of course the small cunning, as without them - 101 Council on how to teach the word, how to maintain interest in learning the language, what to do if it does not work, etc. etc. With full responsibility declare that the advice is very sensible.
In short, the sea of information, useful tips, smart ideas, links to Internet resources. The author - an optimist, and it had contagious! :)
Language exposition simple living.
Format - taschenbuch.
bought in an ordinary book 120 p (admittedly, a year ago).
Here is an example, one of the methods described in the book Language training:

method is based on a very simple idea. When the language training necessary to have both:
- the image of the imagination (apple in the form of pictures, smell, taste),
- foreign words that describe this image (sound «sweet arrle") or in the form of words (understanding), or as a play of words movements of the larynx and tongue (talk).
Under such circumstances, a student stimulate their creative thinking. Basically, we think "words", and our strong abstract Thinking at first prevents learning the language. Have to remember the children's creative thinking.
With the advent of every home video has become possible to provide simultaneously and high-quality image, and a foreign word, which correspond to this image. For this purpose any, but, more importantly, very interesting for the student dubbed video. In the study of language is necessary to consistently choose the shorter cues kinogeroya and explore what the hero says, using the translation subtitles found, for example, on the Internet. Subtitles can be translated by a computer program, a common vocabulary, or whatever.
using subtitles, it is necessary clearly hear every single word, necessarily using headphones. At first, it is difficult and will certainly want to hear the phrase several times (from 4 to 20!).
What to do: once again hear the phrase, and immediately, immediately, like a parrot to repeat it. Repeating it is important to try to pronounce the phrase as if you are the Action Hero, for this purpose in mind is necessary to keep the proper phrase movie scene. To contain vivid imagination, vivid picture, take my eyes from the subtitle (Type the letters could displace the image from the imagination of the film). Do not confuse imagination and see with our eyes the picture. We are talking about imagination, "domestic". You should feel like an actor. If the proposal is entirely accurately repeat can not, it is too long for you. Train with shorter fragments.
Although this technique seems simple, nervous tension will be very strong. Coaching is very tiring.
But it did not learn by heart! The point is not to remember stamps. The most common and useful expressions are commonly used in different versions and without cramming "assimilate. Need to repeat proposal once and at the first attempt (not counting the attempts to hear).
Exercise should be daily (at least 15-30 minutes). The first few weeks will seem that "nothing has been assimilated, but the result will come suddenly, suddenly, a qualitative leap.

Khripkov A. How to teach a foreign language. - St.: OOO Scythia-print, 2004. - 160s. - With. 80-81

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How Many Different Colors Are There On Cubefield

dmattick @ 2008-12-10T18: 43:00

Power to the Bibo.
power the UFO.
power to the Klutz. Uh-Uh

summer 2009 - Merkt it to you.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Coach Outlet Syracuse

dmattick @ 2008-11-27T08: 17:00

€ 23,277.00 will cost V of golf equipment in my request.

Now I should Fragne me if I really need things like a cruise control and whether it really the 2.0 l TDI engine with 110 hp (diesel) should be or whether it is not enough even the 1.4 liter gasoline engine with 80hp. That one is quite good 4.000Euro cheaper, but also directly consumes 1.5 liters per 100km ... the diesel / petrol limit one can no longer count usually ...

And why are the smart forfour not in the configurator on And why am I doing something at all if I buy such a car is not always will? Questions, questions ... And I'm looking

not for cars.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How To Fold A Decorative Towel For A Towel Rack

Top German cartoons / Die besten deutschen Kinderfilme

In [info] ru_deutsch asked , and now here I want to:
what cartoons do you think the classics of German cartoon?

Wollte schon längst fragen: welche deutschen Trickfilme gelten für euch als Klassiker, als die besten?
Ich kenne aus meiner Kindheit noch "Die Biene Maja "and" The Little Witch "(according to Otfried Preussler, really great). And" Momo "(2001), which I'm even on DVD.

Here you can the Russian Cinderella (1979) discover (beautiful music, little talking and when, then come with English subtitles).

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Cyst

Disney Song / Disney Songs


Любимая песня Клима из "Белоснежки и семь гномов.
Klim's favorite song from" Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ".

We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig in our mine the whole day through
To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig is what we really like to do
It ain't no trick to get rich quick
If you dig dig dig with a shovel or a pick
In a mine! In a mine! In a mine! In a mine!
Where a million diamonds shine!

We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig from early morn till night
We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig up everything in sight
We dig up diamonds by the score
A thousand rubies, sometimes more
But we don't know what we dig 'em for
We dig dig dig a-dig dig

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It's home from work we go

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho


Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh- ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho hum

Disney's Princess Collection
- a compilation of songs princess Pocahontas, Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Aurora and Belle on

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stream South Park On Ipod

curls and bubbles / Schnörkel und Seifenblasen

Practising handwriting, we derive the fashionable curls (curls look here , exercises for writing in Handwriting For Kids ). And this is real writing letters, huh? And the foreigners they write? I mean, capital G, I, J and S:)
game is to memorize the body parts:
blow bubbles and call that part of the body, which should to touch the bubble - just want to know and like language, and the lips are called in English, etc.

Polina übt nun Englisch schreiben, diese schicke schnörkelige Schrift (Schreibübungen bei Handwriting For Kids ). Sind das denn in der Wirklichkeit existierende Buchstaben? Und sie werden wirklich so geschrieben? Ich meine vor particularly large G, I, J and S:)
game to body parts:
You make bubbles and then the child must name the body part with which it would touch a soap bubble - so will the child know right away how the tongue and lips black and hot in English.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dug Up Old Green Bottles

dmattick @ 2008-11-11T23: 12:00

Last entry:
Part I - On Monday completed
Part II - In Progress ~ 75%

In my old age still ;-)

The Internet has always surprises in store for you. For many years, looking something and if you have it then abandoned last appeared on it. Great.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Letter Requesting Landlord Deposit, New Jersey

dmattick @ 2008-09-29T22: 11:00

made to the entry May: Last week we did a test at work. 420 strokes per minute with an error rate of 0.18%.
I think I've had the greatest: D

Otherwise short cryptic numbers


Monday, May 12, 2008

Inexpensive Flash Camcorders

dmattick @ 2008-05-12T10: 42:00

79 words

Speed Test

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Older Fifth Wheel Floor Plans

Hail to the King

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hiv Symptoms Day After

McJude Once the gas stove!

Drivein from Detmold

via taxi :-)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Zune Mazda Integration

dmattick @ 2008-02-01T16: 53:00

What wrestlers forward in a role? You break your shoulder.
No, not ... What happened
Backyardern forward in a role? You break the shoulder and can be a warrior figure photographed for the newspaper.

"Look at all of you from so dirty?" was a question of my mother.

The wrestling superstar from Dortmund, active in Bottrop, Danny Samogithians, howls here around in the newspaper.

Can not stop each ... the forward roll in one place;)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Heart&stroke Lotteryscam Ontario

dmattick @ 2008-01-14T16: 03:00

I am just kind of angry and pissed. Since

be equal to ne massive discharge of Wutenergien ago .. either Wii Boxing, and watch Sonic or Mario inclusive of any death matches Backyard Design with the professional Catcher in the house. Since the
this but probably will not, I have him on TV only a purely cut;)

AGGRO. See yourself now
Saturday, would have the positive ;-)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Mac Foundation Compared To Maybelline

dmattick @ 2008-01-11T17: 22:00

Unknown journalist with n-tv.
gets under
"[...] Throughout the crowds, that Jens Lehmann at Arsenal remains And after all the shows again the differences in the Bundesliga. FC Bayern negotiated professionally and lands a coup, however, publicly negotiated Borussia Dortmund and gets in the end nothing. In the county league but something even more success! "