Saturday, December 22, 2007

Accepts Fisher Refills

dmattick @ 2007-12-22T23: 39:00

After nearly 3 years I've decided to make my Windows time again ... stupid idea, although planned for months.

There are no lost data gone, the programs that I need, I've also run a little worried, so no problem would be. not because these ridiculous new drive fine.

C is now F
D is now G
E is now C
F is now D
K is now E
L is now H

Once you get used to it now that are on the K series and so is the funny. Especially now that Windows is on drive F ...

And the new AIM is the worst of times espite.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Can You Use Paper Towels For Waxing

dmattick @ 2007-12-19T17: 47:00

They are the true ncoh heels.

Especially in the comedy ... Serdar Somuncu ... I have heard the days until his album "Hitler Kebab" and found it interesting how he was the wheel man for quiet people there and just had its peak at the most. Unfortunately Somuncu Sedan is on the same day in the FHH in Dortmund, where the fetish gala in Krefeld is ... let's see if I can inspire someone during the week to ride with me to Herne.

But following Heelpromo must be easily spread-


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Getting Herpes On Top Of Ur Nose

dmattick @ 2007-12-11T23: 56:00

The duck was last week. Then came the

But now says the announcer got what he really ... short penis.

9Live 4live.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Good Faith Estimate, Am I Closer

dmattick @ 2007-12-10T00: 47:00

If one on a 80th Birthday and just noticed that the song had "a star" fit incredibly well and a good 70 years, you realize that you are good but can empathize with the emotional states of present pensioners.

The Lord Mayor announced that beer is brewed on Wednesday from Tuesday, and therefore no longer be shit in the creek!
Oeding beer mug wisdom

Thursday, November 22, 2007

How Use A Harbor Freight Leakage Tester

dmattick @ 2007-11-22T23: 19:00

Today came out Guitar Heroes III for the Wii. And to me.

I definitely want to Welcome to the Jungle free play in order to awaken on Sunday overnight guest.

But the guitar simply rocks .. Vibrations from the guitar gut :-) Shit on Mario Galaxy.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Brackets Surrounding Back Teeth

dmattick @ 2007 -10-21T21: 45:00

It is cold. Adult cold.

And the drivers are incapable of DB. I get upset just about everything on, than during the entire strike.

should take the 21:07 train, but we should just around 20:50 and it brings out ne new locomotive. Only takes 5 minutes. 21:15

the announcement, the train was 10-15 minutes late.

it was 21:25 .. 20 to 25 minutes since then no message.

And I would now already so beautiful in the warm home. Instead, I'll wait here and I do worry about silly things such as economies of winning a dojo or annual pass to visit the West Munsterlander pigs Heiner, himself famous Philosophers with the thesis "Divided" does not call into question the dojo. Heiner
pigs could perfectly on Bio-nonsense ("The best eggs from caged hens") or the pig, which we just eat ("Not 100Kilo ... otherwise the taste is not more .. and you want me to say not yet; that it is not the pig Heiner taste! ") refferieren.

21:45 I shit cold and fingers hurt hard :-(

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dry Cough In Baby 5 Month

dmattick @ 2007-10-10T20: 21:00

including Saturday Movie Park Halloween Horror (
Slater, Jenny, who still feel like I have

WARNING:.? According to the website dad who is prohibited from masks * g *

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Knuckle Dusters Blueprints

Positive contrast to the parlous state of Bavaria game

yesterday in Toverland.
Highly Recommended. Directly behind
Venlo, cheaper admission and Troy something that alone makes quite fun.

This is the park open all year, has a high ropes course and a lot of children's play areas, including in the Eliminatorstyle XXXL ...

Oh and Booster Bike .. "Launch coaster" with motorcycle seats ...

A visit therefore essential

Monday, October 1, 2007

What Do The Le Creuset Number On The Bottom Mean

dmattick @ 2007-10-01T23: 03:00

;-) It's amazing how much I'm hyped by the various Heroes teaser. Originally I wanted to look
yes, the English with German Subs episodes, but at RTL2 is a series of good hands.

BTW still no Inet .....
and 37 € for Mika is also steep.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Song That Goes Dun Dun Dun In Transformers

dmattick @ 2007-09-26T11: 28:00

Monday, September 24, 2007

Armitron Wr165 Military Time

dmattick @ 2007-09-24T11: 06:00

Saturday Evening at the Casa de Mattick.
3Sat. Concert of the Wise Guys.

Jenny "Play is not even in Dortmund? I
"I believe in Essen in December"

Check the web grade ... Sunday, 18/11/2007 (18 clock), Monday, 19/11/2007 (20 clock) at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. € -28 € 12 plus booking fee. Konzerthaus.


Plus there are the following concerts go where I wanted:

23.10. (Tuesday) Self Made Tour 2007 - Kollegah, Favorite, Shiml + Slick One (FZW Dortmund)

17.11. (Saturday) Spezializtz, Snaga + Pillath, Illo

19.1. (Saturday) Olli Banjo & Guests

I should, by analogy with Guido, also sometimes make a calendar ...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Getting Rid Of A Scat Fetish

dmattick @ 2007-09-21T19: 00:00

Jenny is not there, so storm-free. Given a little cold, which keeps me from the stadium or just go to town.
So I'm on the clean up. My last sort out clothes.

I had already packed up the few small flashbacks, so come back some memories now before unpacking.
it fits in with this that I suddenly get a mail from someone where the contact was broken off for 7 years.

memories of that summer of 2000 to come. The summer with my start in the euro Rässling. The me unconscious, last summer I was at school.
the nights with Joern in some cities. Comic party in Wattenscheid. The weather was also good, I had a lot of money in the pocket, a lot of good friends, which, however, are now probably only a few da ...

Then suddenly I find letters from my first girlfriend. What a shit who wrote then. No wonder I had then the snout full of women.

photos of the theater, from Munich visit in 2000, old photos of Wrestling ...

letters from this time floating with an unspecified person. Was an exciting, fun time. I had to remind me that occurred there. Among other things, a certain "Alexx" ... until I found out who that * g *
At the time, but the wrestling shit .. but somehow we had a lot of fun in the chaos around it.
Today I told the rest of the first Hammer, I live near him ^ ^

Then some maps of Mo, which I am still grateful for what she has done for me at that time. Even though I'm rare, our contact is actually dead, I'm always a little sign of life from you.

The days earlier, were all actually quite good, funny, funny. We certainly missed a few things here and there.

But in the end I must say that I am now at the peak. I am fortunate in my Page, an incredible person, despite her age, incredibly mature and strong-willed is. The given me so much happiness that is not easily pissed when they see me constantly
;-) I do not have many "solid" friends, but I know that I still can rely simply on a countless number of people for when I need them and I hope that know that they can count on me ....

All these things I ever flew again in the hands, they mean a lot still, because they consider important points in my life and remind me highlight it. But still these things are now all in a box, a box, I simply close the will they put in a small corner and I conclude it symbolically.
For now, just because I feel ready to implement this new phase of life.
At last I recognize a new beginning in life.

As I put into the upper stage, everything was so scarce at such short notice.
When I dropped out of high school, to begin an apprenticeship as everything happened within 1 week and already I was at work.
When I completed the training, because it was a handshake and I went on, as I have also done otherwise.

But now, the spatial separation of the parents, the most important person at my side, the move to the new city, a foreign area. The neukonzentrieren on so little things like bus schedules, etc.
This shows me I'm here, I'm in a new section. Time to make something of it.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Brazilian Waxing For Men In London Ontario

dmattick @ 2007-09-17T22: 44:00

freight train loo + = priceless

Earlier phone is connected and selected from fun ne number and it worked. Meaning is unknown.

How Often Should A Man Have His Back Waxed?

dmattick @ 2007-09-17T14: 38:00

outing Friday was ... Burgers Zoo.

Nen nice zoo, nothing outstanding, but nice stop. Strangely, I have consumed very little for a company outing alcoholic drinks and still had a lot of fun. And a lot of sleaze heard stories about employees, the DVDR Sleaze thread in the shade.

le Saturday Catch ... As half of the fans come on it that Joe said we would be pro wrestling I know net .. I understand it still that he was a pro wrestler and pro wrestling fans, we .. but good ;-)

Yesterday incredible things found in my boxes, I have of moving house are still there. Currently I have

other 2 boxes of clothes, 2 boxes of stuff, a box of cables and equipment, and three boxes of DVDs.
Yesterday it was decided that I now but no DVD shelves but directly to a bigger cabinet get. Now the are not chosen and fit into the corner.

Today I am giving you an endless tired because I slept only 4 hours ... still have to buy a phone, because tomorrow is the T-Com Muckel and I get finally unde Internet phone in the apartment.
But I have to take a day off, probably because of two minutes must test something ...

Well, I can either stop watch Prison Break, by watching the DVDs, which is present or play Red Steel. Or halt further clean up ...

On Friday Jenny runs until Sunday to its Mum and I have been looking out NEN nice recipe that I want to try once ...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Heat Packs Jacksonville, Fl

dmattick @ 2007-09-13T11: 05:00

gray hair ... first saw it myself.

I am ... shocked ... Buy hair dye .... URGENT.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Help Me Win Poptropica

... with a smile that says goodbye

friends only.

Deutsches Journal.
100% friends only

. Adden & leave a comment.

Adden After completing my part please the .

- if it works, then it works but if not, then do not.
I should kick, 2 be the case.

I love to sit between two stools.
I saw off the branch on which we sit.
I walk through the gardens of feelings,
are dead, and replanted them with jokes.

- Erich Kaestner

Layout: [info] cardboard backing
fo banner: [info] painlessthrill
ui banner: [info] chewonit

Sunday, January 21, 2007

How To Do A Jewelry Window


Friends Only.
Deutsches Journal.
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(? Who's Who ) ( questionnaire )

Bleeding From Ear After Fight

Far far away

11th February to 31 March

From time to time entries and pictures of me.