Friday, December 4, 2009

Sample Cover Letter Bottle Shop Attendant

week 51 tips and tricks for dealing with Livejournal


here your friendly Chaotin comes with the overview over all important ...

I was asked yesterday whether interest is to learn how different things work here in the LJ and there was Interest - which now makes me somewhat worried because I have not much idea * gg *
But I'll try again. We can expand this post so always be alert to any further questions.

A separate icon Upload your
get in touch with Euerm name was with your Live Journal. It appears the user profile page with an ugly gray placeholder left. Click it. There are the pictures that you have already uploaded - which none should be, otherwise you would not read this statement I hope! - And it's something because of "new users upload pictures. Clicking. Links will appear a blue box, must fill your. Keywords are the words on which you put the picture back by then at any time, the name of the icon. In comments one would specify the "doer" of the icon. If your you are not sure what I mean, for example, goes to my user and see pictures of you, what I did.
Some makers are very sensitive when you use your own icons, but does not mention her name.

entry draft
That's easy. If you have logged in you was with your Live Journal (ie Euern User Account), then you come to your profile. Top left is an icon (which You have just uploaded * g *) and your user name. Just under the user name is "write entry". After you have clicked on, you see a page that is - Überrraschung! - Compose an entry called.
is back to see your icon.
is right: Add this listing ... because you can not change it. Write your entries under Euerm user name (do you want, too).
might include inclusion in a journal ... Here you have usually a dropdown menu. First Name Your Journal will be there, but you can also click down and then you find nachnano. Have She had most of focus, everything you write with the community will be published.

make entry only visible to members
If you write an entry, at the bottom, "store entry" next to the field where stands a drop-down menu. Before that says "Show this entry. As a rule, "Each (Public) be hidden, but the most members in the Comm it would be better if the different contributions can not be read by everyone. If you then click on it, you get the opportunity, "members" select. Please do so. Then save the record!

LJ cut
is important, particularly for longer linked as my shame * * or story parts. If readers have
Comm namely the many friends etc and want to read their messages beyond a record of our Comm their Friends list, ... looks ugly and most likely to be sulky (I feel anyway always * crying *)
Therefore, do you have anything longer, makes this cut please!
It just works. The entry appears even write this text box. The right of the field is the selection Rich Text or HTML. Click on Rich Text, if that's not, then comes above the text field, a fine set of characters and images. You will know them all by Word, etc. Insert table next to the typical character is an image with lines and a unique line. Marks the text you want under the cut. If you drive with the mouse on the icon above you will read Live Journal Cut. Clicking. With me now so immersed in a warning that any scripts are not allowed. These scripts allow the short term and then again LJ Cut. Just a meaningful or funny text in the pop-up box, enter and confirm and all that you have previously checked, highlighted in gray. It is hidden under a Cut. But you can always have things in it change or improve.

day list
If you write an entry that you see at the end of the Category field. There proposed contact as Conja has Euern enter user name and a preamble about the content of the post. I have already forgiven tags such as wishes, welcome, introduction post. If your you are not sure, let it be. Then we correct it later.

post pictures
images belong to the prompts, after which one able to write.
If you have your own server, you can upload the pictures there and here, please see the Cut! Present. For the paste here in the text there is a small picture up in the rich text toolbar. You know it from Word etc (yellow with hills and mountains). Click to enter the address of the picture and be happy * g *
Did you not have your own server, there are opportunities on the net free pictures high note. I use mostly Photobucket , but there are very many others. There you can register for free and then upload pictures from his computer. It explains everything foolproof!
Did you get a picture above, the image from Photobucket an address. You then simply copied into the box that appears when you click on the yellow Hügelicon in the top bar.

More strikes me now is not.
If not what works, get in touch here!
If I have no idea what to do, I always know when I switched to * ask * Anja


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