Friday, December 31, 2004

Extreme Dizziness In Middle Of Night And Diarrhea

blajeans @ 2004 - 12-31T15: 58:00

hey, please ne more than one entry. about the tsunami disaster in South and Southeast Asia. just ask anyone who might donate to one or the other €. I just, for the first time in my life donated money. perhaps because I am perhaps also indirectly affected themselves. I think that everyone just at this season, but has a little of what he can send the survivors in Asia. and if there are only 5 € ... please I'm like the. donate their accounts by, for example at:

and one thing I have to get rid of. I think it's really under all that mtv is so callous and "the perfect wave" still cheerfully up and down play. is not against "July" but I think the song is currently more than inconvenient, and after most radio and TV stations no longer play the song, it might sometimes think about mtv. even in a chart show really ought to also extend a little note ...


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