Sunday, June 6, 2004

Is Legit

ready for take-off ...

there is one more thing I wanted to tell you guys that took place last Saturday, June 29th. I had this flight with a TB9 Tampico over Berlin and Potsdam. It was actually a present for my grandparents from my parents, but since there was one more free seat inside the TB9, I had the chance to fly as well. I sat on the front right seat which gave me the feeling I was actually flying the plane. It was really exciting and our pilot gary, who was american, was really cool. I enjoyed it a lot seeing all of the sights of Berlin and Potsdam from the bird's perspective. as soon, as my homepage will be online, you will find some pictures I took from inside the plane (e.g. Olympiastadion, Fernsehturm, Sanssouci, ...). For right now, you have to be satisfied with the pictures taken from outside.

me inside the TB9 Tampico
me inside the TB9 Tampico

going to land
Here we are going to land

TB9 Tampico
the TB9 Tampico


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