Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Broken Blood Vessel Capillaries In Leg

yeah bye bye ...

I was playing Beach Volleyball today at the Indoor Beachsport Center in Wedding with my Geography LK today. It was our last meeting, so our teacher wanted to say good bye to us as well. as a present we got this little Christ statue from him, because he used to live in Brazil for 6 years. And since this statue was some kind of symbol for him over there (he could see it from his window), he bought us these little ones to hold on. Isn't that neat?? thanx mr. seidl!!!
Anyways, my arms hurt like sh*t. I am probably the worst volleyball player in the world but it is so much fun ;)

oh, and I met Nadine from Star Search today in the S-Bahn, you know the 16 year old model. she is too gorgeous. unfortunately she got kicked out in the semi-finals show last week. otherwise I would have asked you to vote for her tomorrow because she is really still down to earth.

my little present
my little present

Star Search Contestant
Star Search Contestant Nadine Schneider


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