Thursday, July 31, 2003

How Do Linear Tracking Turntables Work

world progress report from my trip to evoke


at the moment I'm in a cyber cafe in Papetee, writing this report and nerve Kurye me cruel fanzoesische over the keyboard. I am fine. los angeles has impressed me. I've never seen such a large collection of Ferraris, Lamborghinis and black stretch limousines in Beverly Hills. Moorea, Polynesia frqnzoesisch the contrary was pure, pure recreation announced wqr, I have never seen so turquoise water like there: tonight we fly to Auckland, I must go now, I have already mentioned, the keyboard sucks smile
that entry is full the only way of I know this is me errors but no matter

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Imagination South Park Stream

@ 2003-07-24T17: 01:00

byebye Today it is cooler and rainy (cool as opposed to the last days). I find it really enjoyable, although I usually can not be hot enough:). Today it was
be working quite stressful. I was yelled from irritated customers 3x even though I could not help it, well it is holding.
Tonight I have to finish packing. The most important things are already in my backpack / suitcase. Our living room is transferred at the moment with clothes / bags and backpacks. be prepared when you go on a world tour you have to for many situations. You have beautiful dresses, as well mitnehmen.Ich for bad weather had to renew my typhoid vaccine.
Tonight I'm going to play some relaxing, dragons and keyboard, all while 2.5 weeks I will not be able to make.
I'm extremely on the trip, I can not wait any more. go
morning at about 6 clock by car to Basel. There, put the car in a parking garage and take the train to Frankfurt. In Frankfurt, then start our adventure will be departing in the afternoon towards Los Angeles.
I Should not you read, I wish you all a good time.

Dawn From Pokemon Upskirt

evoke @ 2003-07-24T16: 59:00

is a
Haggis-Eating Disco Monkey

... with a Battle Rating of 7.8

To see if your Food-Eating Battle Monkey
can defeat Eric, enter your name:

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Athletes With Hair Weave

A sign of life ...


It's time me to perpetuate my LJ. I thank all those who have not kicked me from the "Friends List" .. What is there to tell? Hm. Much .. Positive and negative. I will confine myself to the most important.
task for a short time again, a woman in my life. I learned before about 3 months know. Relatively quickly I fell in love with it. For a short time all went well and I thought we would come together. Unfortunately, they referred me back then but. I know their problems and reasons why they do not want to be with me, but it hurts anyway ..
My work gives me no longer as much fun as well already. Due to job cuts and holiday absences, I was part of a lot of pressure and had a lot of work. Sometimes I feel that this job a "siding" and I continue to develop there may be no more.
to a little more comfortable. I will start the end of a week with my family arround the world trip. The trip is "a little" crazy, since we will be traveling in only 2.5 weeks over the world. We had to plan it that way, because no more than 2.5 weeks holiday. I am me extremely. The itinerary is: Los-Angeles-Moorea-Auckland-Sydney-Singapore. Now I know
not quite what would still fit into this entry. These 3 things: love, work, RWT-trip occupy me at the moment the most.
Who knows, maybe there is after the trip back to see some pictures of me.
I wish you all a pleasant evening and take care ...