Although the whole thing here is I wanted to sleep for the, the community still read here again for the Script Frenzy - advertise, or - an offshoot of NaNo , ask those who join in for this year. =) I have long toyed with the idea because my dialogues are not so good and how can we better learn to write dialogue, as so? =) As the whole issue came up today on Twitter, I think I've obligated to join now * hehe * I just need a story! And well, a plan how to do this because this will be my first script, but on the SF side, there are many details to!
Who: Everyone , no experience necessary.
What: 100 pages of a screenplay in 30 days. (For movies, plays, TV shows, short films, comics ...)
When: April 1 - 30th Every year!
How: Simply the NaNo login to the Script Frenzy site login (there is also much useful information material) and begin to plot. On 1 April, we go with the go write!
The 5 Rules of Script Frenzy:
1) To be crowned an official Script Frenzy winner, or winner, you have a script (or multiple scripts) of at least 100 pages to write and have it verified by
2) You can participate individually or, at most, as a duo. For two groups is the same 100-page goal as for individuals.
3) The script-writing begins in the local time, shortly after midnight (00:00:01 Clock) on 1 April and ends shortly before midnight (23:59:59) on 30 April.
4) Any kind of script is allowed: writer, play Fehrnsehsendung, short film, comic, adapted screenplay and everything else you can still let through a script.
5) It must be having so much fun.