Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Is Difference Between Blender And Grinder

German cinema in the userpic / Deutsche Filme in Benutzerbildern

Run Lola Run / Lola rennt: http://community.livejournal.com/apricot_rabbit/2334.html
Also Lola, an animated / Nochmals Lola, animiert: http://community.livejournal.com/_frankapotente_ / 51534.html
In that many of Lola and Frankie just in / Außerdem ganz viele Icons von Lola und einfach Franka in [info] franka_daily

Barefoot on pavement / Barfuß: http://community.livejournal.com/love_square/72493 . html

on wheels (Where is Fred?) (Til Schweiger, Jürgen Vogel, Alexandra Maria Lara) / Wo ist Fred?: http://diapadme.livejournal.com/35689.html

Red Baron (Matthias Shvayghefer, Til Schweiger, Joseph Fiennes) / Der Rote Baron: http://diapadme .livejournal.com/35689.html (see below / ganz unten)

Different Moritz Bleibtreu / Allerlei Icons von Moritz Bleibtreu: http://community.livejournal.com/moritzbleibtreu/832.html