Thursday, April 29, 2004

How To Make A Tea Pot Pinata

blajeans @ 2004-04-30T01: 28:00

hm, I'm sick at the moment ... didn't go to school today. I'm having a sore throat, my eyes are hurting, I'm having a fever, I'm coughing, ... there is no school for my tomorrow anyway, so i can stay at home one more day ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Do Premenstrual Women Need More Calories

evoke @ 2004-04-27T13: 25:00

my car is now in service. On the brakes is something wrong. This will ne expensive repair

Monday, April 26, 2004

Averagemuscle Percentage Women

evoke @ 2004-04-26T22: 25:00

:-( Today is my 25th birthday.

There are some people approached me about how I feel. I feel neither older nor wiser. No, I have not celebrated my birthday .. It is large ( almost) a day like any other.

Why I immortalize this in my LJ? Because I suddenly felt like it.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Cell Respiration Lab 5 Answers

back again

thought it would be time to tell you guyz some stuff about me again. allright, in school I am done with all of my exams now. so, i can relax some before I'm going to prepare my oral exams, mainly italian, probably science as well.

thank god, it's getting sommer again. it is just so pimptight not to have to wear jackets and gloves and stuff anymore... this is actually the first time, I am really looking forward to the summer. i don't know why. all the years before I was more into winter and coldness and stuff. anyways, doesn't really matter I guess.

aight, keep it up guyz